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2022.11.30 📢 Season’s Greetings


Aaron 2023 Season’s Greetings SALES OPEN🔥


✔️원더월 특전 포토카드 2종 중 1종 증정
✔️구매자 전원 대면 / 영상통화 팬사인회 자동 응모

📌2022.11.30 15:00 ~ 12.4 23:59 (KST)

#아론 #Aaron #시즌그리팅 #Seasons_Greetings


Aaron 2023 Season’s Greetings SALES OPEN🔥


✔️1 (of 2) Wonderwall Bonus unreleased photo cards
✔️All purchasers will be entered into the fansign lottery automatically.

📌2022.11.30 15:00 ~ 12.4 23:59 (KST)

#Aaron #Seasons_Greetings


Aaron 2023 Season’s Greetings SALES OPEN🔥



📌2022.11.30 15:00 ~ 12.4 23:59 (KST)

#Aaron #Seasons_Greetings

'NOTICE' 카테고리의 다른 글

2022.12.01 📢 Special Photocard  (0) 2022.12.01
2022.11.30 📢 fromm  (0) 2022.11.30
2022.11.29 🎬 Season’s Greetings Teaser  (0) 2022.11.29
2022.11.28 📢 Season’s Greetings  (0) 2022.11.28
2022.07.01 🎬 ENDviolence  (0) 2022.07.02