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ALBUM/Needle & Bubble

2022.03.22 🎬 Storybook [Special Video] NU'EST with L.O.Λ.E - Storybook '다시, 봄' 🪄🔮 #NUEST_LOΛEstorybook #뉴이스트 #NUEST #JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 NU'EST 10th ANNIVERSARY with L.O.Λ.E #LOΛE #NUEST_JR #NUEST_ARON #NUEST_BAEKHO #NUEST_MINHYUN #NUEST_REN http://youtu.be/aMdwxF_W-Gs
2022.03.21 🎬 Behind NU’EST The Best Album ‘Needle & Bubble’ 🪄🔮 Recording Behind The Scenes #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #다시_봄 #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #NUEST_다시_봄 #다시_뉴이스트의_봄 http://youtu.be/RJXWKuFhhEY
2022.03.20 🎬 Behind NU’EST The Best Album ‘Needle & Bubble’ 🪄🔮 M/V Behind The Scenes #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #다시_봄 #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #NUEST_다시_봄 #다시_뉴이스트의_봄 http://youtu.be/Az_b7XhcF9Y
2022.03.19 📸 Behind [뉴이스트] The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' M/V 촬영 현장 http://naver.me/5f4hPJX9 [뉴이스트] The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' M/V 촬영 현장 [BY 플레디스엔터테인먼트] 안녕하세요, 플레디스 포스트 구독자 여러분!2022년 3월 15일 발매한 NU'EST... m.post.naver.com http://www.vlive.tv/post/0-28415052 [뉴이스트] The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' M/V 촬영 현장 https://youtu.be/9dNND29yPhQ www.vlive.tv
2022.03.18 🎬 Behind NU’EST The Best Album ‘Needle & Bubble’ 🪄🔮 Jacket Behind The Scenes #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #다시_봄 #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #NUEST_다시_봄 #다시_뉴이스트의_봄 http://youtu.be/6do-f3vnJ94
2022.03.15 📸 Melon 모든 것이 다 변해도 서로를 향한 마음만은 그대로, 뉴이스트 [Needle & Bubble] http://www.melon.com/musicstory/inform.htm?mstorySeq=12247 모든 것이 다 변해도 서로를 향한 마음만은 그대로, 뉴이스트 [Needle & Bubble] 음악이 필요한 순간, 멜론 www.melon.com Special | 뉴이스트 [Needle & Bubble] 앨범 이야기 & Exclusive Photo 안녕하세요. 멜론 가족 여러분! 지난 10년간의 여정을 마치고 각자의 길을 가게 된 뉴이스트의 [Needle & Bubble] 앨범 이야기와 Exclusive Photo를 멜론 매거진에서 단독 보도 드립니다. Album | 뉴이스트 [Needle & Bubble] ..
2022.03.15 💿 Needle & Bubble http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1503661031553646597 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' 🪄🔮 Melon: melon.com/album/detail.h... 지니: genie.co.kr/detail/albumIn... VIBE: vibe.naver.com/album/7395325 #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #다시_봄 #NUEST_다시_봄 http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1503661196544974849 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' 🪄🔮 FLO: music-flo.com/detail/a..
2022.03.15 🎬 다시, 봄 MV http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1503657264158109696 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' 🪄🔮 Title Track '다시, 봄' Official M/V 🎬 youtu.be/9dNND29yPhQ #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #다시_봄 #NUEST_다시_봄 #다시_뉴이스트의_봄
2022.03.15 🎂 10th ANNIVERSARY http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1503385461418442753 NU'EST 10th ANNIVERSARY with L.O.Λ.E #LOΛE_NUEST_DAY 2022.03.15 #LOΛE #NUEST_JR #NUEST_ARON #NUEST_BAEKHO #NUEST_MINHYUN #NUEST_REN #뉴이스트 #NUEST #JR_아론_백호_민현_렌
2022.03.14 📍 Media Promotion http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1503309966475771906 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' Media Promotion 🪄🔮 코엑스 케이팝스퀘어 📍 ~ 3/24 (목요일) #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #다시_봄 #NUEST_다시_봄 #20220315_6PM_KST
2022.03.14 💿 Cover Image http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1503204270077849602 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' Cover Image 🪄🔮 Title Track '다시, 봄' 🎧 2022.03.15 #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #다시_봄 #NUEST_다시_봄 #20220315_6PM_KST
2022.03.14 🎬 Teaser 02 http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1503023080297271300 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' Official M/V Teaser 02 🪄🔮 Title Track '다시, 봄' 🎬 youtu.be/A3bXoiWZxwI #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #다시_봄 #NUEST_다시_봄 #20220315_6PM_KST
2022.03.13 🎬 Teaser 01 http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1502660695808163842 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' Official M/V Teaser 01 🪄🔮 Title Track '다시, 봄' 🎬 youtu.be/32h9Ddk8JGI #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #다시_봄 #NUEST_다시_봄 #20220315_6PM_KST
2022.03.12 📍 Media Promotion http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1502479501229322246 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' Media Promotion 🪄🔮 중앙일보 파르나스/코엑스 미디어 타워 📍 ~ 3/24 (목요일) #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #다시_봄 #NUEST_다시_봄 #20220315_6PM_KST
2022.03.12 🎧 Pre-Listening http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1502298325923467266 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' Pre-Listening 🪄🔮 Title Track '다시, 봄' 🎧 youtu.be/0-BGpWxRMtE #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #다시_봄 #NUEST_다시_봄 #20220315_6PM_KST
2022.03.10 📸 Official Photo http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1501573530324021256 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' Official Photo 🪄🔮 NU’EST #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #20220315_6PM_KST
2022.03.06 📸 Official Photo http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1500123972117188610 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' Official Photo 🪄🔮 #아론 #ARON #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #20220315_6PM_KST
2022.03.04 💌 Event http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1499629462211678208 NU'EST 10th ANNIVERSARY with L.O.Λ.E #Event 💌 2022.03.04~2022.03.16 📨 bit.ly/3hCwFtU #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #러브 #2o12o315 #2o22o315
2022.03.04 🚌 Promotion http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1499580398904520704 NU'EST 10th ANNIVERSARY with L.O.Λ.E #Promotion 🚌 2022.03.03~2022.04.03 #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #러브 #2o12o315 #2o22o315
2022.03.04 📢 Scheduler http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1499399199808385030 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' 🗓️ #Scheduler #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #20220315_6PM_KST
2022.03.02 💿 Needle & Bubble http://twitter.com/NUESTNEWS/status/1498825414952710144 NU'EST The Best Album 'Needle & Bubble' 💿 2022.03.15 (weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/76d6ea94) #NUEST_JR_아론_백호_민현_렌 #뉴이스트 #NUEST #Needle_n_Bubble #20220315_6PM_KST