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2022.05.20 🎬 Q&A #2 Q&A | STRANGE HABITS, FASHION, NEW HOBBIES & OUR WISHES Q&A #2 http://youtu.be/0bx9709Dqy4
2022.05.19 📆 Q&A #2 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1527242875850792961 Q&A #2 COMING FRIDAY 'The Flying Strawberry' 🍓🍓🍓 #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 🇰🇷🤠🇰🇷🤠🇰🇷🤠🇰🇷🤠🇰🇷🤠🇰🇷🤠 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1527243024983437313 Q&A #2 COMING FRIDAY 'Horseshoes' 🐎🐴🧲🐎🐴🧲 #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 🇰🇷🤠🇰🇷🤠🇰🇷🤠🇰🇷🤠🇰🇷🤠🇰🇷🤠
2022.05.13 📆 EP 8. http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1525078212664913926 EP 8. MENTAL HEALTH❤️ OUT NOW! youtu.be/7Yfcn1OsJjA #MentalHealthMatters #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스
2022.05.13 📆 EP 8. MENTAL HEALTH & WELLNESS ❤️ 정신건강과 웰빙 ❤️ | KOREAN COWBOYS PODCAST EP. 8 http://youtu.be/7Yfcn1OsJjA
2022.05.13 📆 EP 8. TEASER http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1524971167307939841 #ThatMomentWhen PD realizes the #TeaserThursday was accidentally scheduled for Friday and posts it on Twitter... A day late 🥲🥲🥲 [EP 8. MENTAL HEALTH - TEASER 1] 📺 Teaser 2 👇 #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1524971208168869888 [EP 8. MENTAL HEALTH - TEASER 2] P.S. EP 8. Will be uploaded properly on the ..
2022.05.11 📆 EP 8. D-2 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1524346061350838277 [EP 8.] D-2 MENTAL HEALTH #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 #MentalHealthMatters 🇰🇷🤠
2022.05.06 🎬 EP 7. http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1522533882079309825 EP 7 OUT NOW! #Covid and how it affected the #KoreanEntertainment industry 👀 youtu.be/5XtrYKIB-Tg
2022.05.06 📸 EP 7. http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1522534536768221185 THE #COWBOYS 🤠 during filming of EP 7. 👀 youtu.be/5XtrYKIB-Tg #RealTalk #RealExperiences #RealStories 📸PD
2022.05.06 🎬 EP 7. COVID: KOREAN ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY & HOW IT AFFECTED US | 코로나로 인한 엔터테인먼트, 케이팝의 변화,우리에게 미친영향| EP 7. [EP 7. COVID, THE KOREAN ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY, AND HOW IT AFFECTED US] This week, hosts Aaron and Joel talk about a *slightly* unaddressed topic in the Korean Entertainment Industry, Covid-19 - specifically on how it affects artists. 이번 주에는 한국 엔터테인먼트에서 *많이* 다루어지지 않은 주제, 특히 아티스트의 입장에서 코로나가 어떤 영향..
2022.05.05 📆 EP 7. D-1 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1522169240471715841 [EP 7. TEASER #2] D-1 COVID😷 #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 #TeaserThursday #Covid19 #코로나 🇰🇷🤠 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1522169241088135168 [EP 7. TEASER #1] D-1 COVID #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 #TeaserThursday #Covid19 #코로나 🇰🇷🤠
2022.05.04 📆 EP 7. D-2 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1521811983191863296 [EP 7.] D-2 COVID #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 🇰🇷🤠
2022.04.29 🎬 EP 6. (빵터짐주의) GUEST: GREG PRIESTER | 게스트: 그렉 프리스터 '힐링 소울' | KOREAN COWBOYS PODCAST EP 6. [EP 6. GREG PRIESTER 그렉 프리스터] This week, hosts Aaron and Joel are joined by a special guest, Greg Priester! 이번 주에는 그렉 프리스터님께서 코리안 카우보이스 팟캐스트에 나오셨습니다! http://youtu.be/D2nJvMBGB4s
2022.04.28 📆 EP 6. D-1 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1519632519947329536 [EP 6. GREG PRIESTER - TEASER 1] D-1 Greg: "I wanna sing, I wanna sing!" 🎵 Greg's Dad: "Shut up!" 🤣🤣🤣 #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 #GregPriester #그렉 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1519632523151781892 [EP 6. GREG PRIESTER - TEASER 2] D-1 "The Absolute Music Legend"🎶🫰 #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 #GregPriester #그렉 #NotMrSoul
2022.04.27 📆 EP 6. D-2 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1519271088835809280 [EP 6. GUEST EPISODE: GREG 그렉] D-2 🎶 #koreancowboys #코리안카우보이스 #그렉 #그렉형 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1519271242770964482 [EP 6. GUEST EPISODE: GREG 그렉] D-2 🎶 #koreancowboys #코리안카우보이스 #그렉 #그렉형 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1519271338346643456 [EP 6. GUEST EPISODE: GREG 그렉] D-2 🎶🎵🎤🎧 #koreancowboys #코리안카우보이스 #그렉 #그렉형..
2022.04.26 🎬 Q&A Q&A | GUESTS? ORIGINAL SONG? STARTING A PODCAST? MERCH? | 코리안 카우보이스 Q&A http://youtu.be/jllPNCFNDA0
2022.04.22 🎬 EP 5. EP 5. DRINKING🥃 - FEATURING WON SOJU 원소주 | KOREAN COWBOYS PODCAST 🇰🇷🤠🎙 [EP 5. DRINKING - FEATURING WON SOJU] CHEERS! This week on the Korean Cowboys Podcast, hosts Aaron and Joel share about their drinking experiences, stories, and discuss the differences in Korean and American drinking culture. 건배! 이번주 코리안 카우보이스 팟케스트에서 호스트 아론과 조엘이 그들의 술 경험, 술 스토리, 그리고 한국과 미국의 술 문화에 대해 이야기를 나누는 시간을 가집니다! http://..
2022.04.21 🎬 EP 5. D-1 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1517088912816017409 [EP 5. TEASER 1🍓] D-1 DRINKING 🍷🥃🍸 'Classy & Wild' #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 🇰🇷🤠🍻 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1517089123974090752 [EP 5. TEASER 2🍑] D-1 DRINKING 🍷🥃🍸 'MY🍑' 😲 #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 🇰🇷🤠🍻
2022.04.16 🎬 Tik Tok http://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdB6VnEr/ LAUGHING IS CONTAGIOUS 🤣 코리안 카우보이스 웃음 모음전 🤣🤣 #laughing #contagiouslaugh #웃으면복이와요 #해피바이러스 #코리안카우보이스 #곽아론 #aron #아론
2022.04.16 🎬 SHORTS LAUGHING IS CONTAGIOUS 🤣 코리안 카우보이스 아론 웃음 모음전 http://youtu.be/1r_th-yQsm8
2022.04.15 🎬 EP 4. http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1514921481129455619 [EP 4. ROOMMATE STORIES] OUT NOW! 🤠 코리안 카우보이스 4화 '룸메이트 스토리즈'가 업로드 되었습니다! 🤠 ▶️ http://youtu.be/I5F84c1D96k 🌎 SUB SUPPORT 🌎 🔽download .srt 🔽 drive.google.com/file/d/1nCGJO9... P.S. Thank you for the tip on scheduling Tweets🤠-PD #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스
2022.04.15 🎬 EP 4. EP 4. ROOMMATE STORIES | KOREAN COWBOYS PODCAST 🇰🇷🤠🎙 [EP 4. ROOMMATE STORIES] This week on the Korean Cowboys Podcast, hosts Aaron and Joel share their stories on moving out of dorms, living alone, living with each other, and advice on how to live with a roommate. They delve into never before heard stories about their time as roommates so make sure to tune in! 코리안 카우보이스 호스트 아론과 조엘이 그들의 룸메이트로서 시간..
2022.04.14 📆 EP 4. D-1 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1514570760425447427 [EP 4. TEASER 1] D-1🐟 ROOMMATE STORIES #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 #TeaserThursday http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1514571332142637056 [EP 4. TEASER 2] D-1🫂 ROOMMATE STORIES🤠🤠 #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 #TeaserThursday
2022.04.13 📆 EP 4. D-2 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1514240443218739200 [EP 4.] D-2 ROOMMATE STORIES #코리안카우보이스 #KoreanCowboys 🇰🇷🤠🎙
2022.04.08 📸 EP 3. http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1512384935327268867 [EP 3. GUEST EPISODE : MINGI CHOI] OUT NOW! ▶️ youtu.be/fsFHX0Cf-DY 🌎 SUB SUPPORT 🌎 🔽 to download the .srt file 🔽 drive.google.com/file/d/1DKWr3I... #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 #아론 #조엘 #민기 🇰🇷🤠🍓
2022.04.08 🎬 EP 3. EP 3. |KR| GUEST EPISODE: MINGI CHOI / 최민기 | KOREAN COWBOYS PODCAST [EP 3. GUEST EPISODE : MINGI CHOI / 최민기] This week, Aaron's long-term friend, brother and member Mingi Choi join hosts Aaron and Joel for their first-ever Guest Episode on Korean Cowboys Podcast as well as Mingi's first-ever official appearance as a solo artist. In this episode, the Korean Cowboys reflect back on Aaron and Mingi..
2022.04.07 📆 EP 3. D-1 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1512023120437075972 [EP 3. TEASER 1👀] D-1 🌵HAPPY TEASER THURSDAY🌵 #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 🇰🇷🤠 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1512023546498732037 [EP 3. TEASER 2🍓] D-1 🍓HAPPY TEASER THURSDAY🍓 #KoreanCowboys #코리안카우보이스 🇰🇷🤠
2022.04.06 🎬 TikTok http://vt.tiktok.com/ZSd6veFkV/ [EP 3.] D-2ARE YOU READY? 🇰🇷🤠#KoreanCowboys #P odcast#코리 안카우보이스 #팟캐 스트#곽아론 #아론 #Aar on #Aro n #Joe l #조엘 # 최민기 #민기 #M ingi #Mingi Choi http://vt.tiktok.com/ZSd67oaPx/ [EP 3.] D-2 HE'S A STRAWBERRY!!! 🍓🍓🍓🇰🇷🤠 #KoreanCowboys #Pod cast#코리안카 우보이스 #팟캐스트 #곽아론 # 아론 #A aron #Aron #Joel #조엘 #최민 기 #민 기 #Min gi # MingiCh oi
2022.04.06 📆 EP 3. D-2 http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1511660487129563136 [EP 3.] D-2 HE'S A STRAWBERRY!!! 🍓🍓🍓 🇰🇷🤠 #KoreanCowboys #Podcast #코리안카우보이스 #팟캐스트 #곽아론 #아론 #Aaron #Aron #Joel #조엘 #최민기 #민기 #Mingi #MingiChoi http://twitter.com/Korean_Cowboys/status/1511659987994513420 [EP 3.] D-3 ARE YOU READY? 🇰🇷🤠 #KoreanCowboys #Podcast #코리안카우보이스 #팟캐스트 #곽아론 #아론 #Aaron #Aron #Joel #조엘 #최민기 #민기 #Mingi #MingiChoi http:/..
2022.04.02 🎬 TikTok http://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdjRjqeb/ 🇰🇷🤠 Aaron's biggest motivation as a K-Pop idol #koreancowboys #코리안카우보이스
2022.04.01 🎬 EP 2. EP 2. OUR K-POP IDOL JOURNEY | KOREAN COWBOYS PODCAST [EP2. OUR K-POP IDOL JOURNEY] This week, hosts Aaron and Joel dive into opening up about their personal experiences throughout their K-Pop Idol Journey. From discovery, reflecting back on their trainee period, to debut; the Korean Cowboys share about K-Pop in a new light, through their lenses. 코리안 카우보이스 호스트 아론과 조엘이 그들의 개인적인 케이팝 아이돌 경험에 대해 털어놓..